2015. Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Aalokasi Umum, dan Dana Alokasi Khusus Terhadap Belanja Modal Daerah (Studi Empiris Pada Kabupaten/Kota di ProvinsiPapua Barat Tahun 2007- 2014). SNEMA 2015. ISBN: 978-602-17129-5-5.Putro, Nugroho S. 2010. Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, ...
Kontribusi Dana Alokasi Khusus terhadap IPKM dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Kesehatan di Kabupaten Tapin dan Banjar Provinsi Kalimantan SelatanWorking efficiency of employees working in any organization/institution determines its performance. Extension field staff (EFS) is the main actor for agricultural ...
The purpose of this research is to find out the effort, the constraints faced and the effort to overcome the constraints of The Regional Goverment of the Lembata regency to increasing education service in Senior High School relate to Specific...