I took a complete snapshot of the FTP site at the time. I thought it would be fun to restore the site to its (almost) original state and indeed it was fun exploring an internet time capsule from the 90's. This should also fix a lot of very old inbound links that have been...
ngudui kaivai nguoi phu nu dam dan nguoi tinh mua dong nguyen phÚc thuẦn nguyen thi thanh hang nguyen van giau nguyen viet chien nguyen Ái quoc nguyỄn nhẬt Ánh ngwlms ngÖbe-buglÉ nh brussels airport nh lagasca hotel nh4no2 nha trangda latmuj ne nhac que huong inst...
一、给加点字选择正确的读音,用“√”标出来。(8分)鸟瞰(kan gǎn)拾掇(dū duo)铠甲(kái kǎi)擎着(qing jing)弹琴(dan tán)倔犟(juè jué)涨潮(zhǎng zhang)沮丧(jǔzǔ)咆哮(xiào xiao)抑制(yì yáng)狂风怒号(hào háo)呜咽(yàn ye)惟妙惟肖 (*iαo*iαo) 纤夫(qian qiàn)喝彩(...
suiranwoyebuzhidaozheihuiyancuduojiudanzhishaoxianzaishizheiyangde 答案 别爱我如果是因为寂寞 如果真的是因为我喜欢你你才说喜欢我 才和我在一起的话 我觉得那样没什么意思不是吗 我们之间差了很多很多 你的爱只有那么点点 我只有不停地要 要到你想逃 和你一起也有这么久了 我不知道什么... 解析 ...
shi jie shang ru guo mei you hong dian dian na gai you duo世界上如果没有红点点,那该有多gu dan aǜ dian dian xiang孤单啊,绿点点想。ta men dou you yi zhuang hao da hao da de xin唉,它们都有一桩好大好大的心shisuo you de máo maochong dou zhi dao zi jǐ...
Mother-Son Duo a First for Washington Legislature -- Sen. Pam Roach and Sen. Dan Roach
biǎo di()小沙是个dan(小guǐ(),他每次Iǐ()发都害怕得duo mén ér chu(),还mà(剃头师傅是“害人精”,简直像对 chou(人一样。 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 二、看拼音,写字词。biǎo di( 表弟)小沙是个 dan(胆小guǐ(鬼),他每次Iǐ(理)发都害怕得duo mén ér chu(夺门而出),还...
Daniel: "She swore like a trooper. If she could've got hold of me, she would've killed me but she couldn't because she was wearing high heels." When was the last time one of you cried? Hayley: "When I fell over last week and hurt my left arm. "We still managed to ...
zhuo mu nido啄木鸟Iǜ se de da sen lin duo me mei li a dan shi you de shu que sheng bing le绿色的大森林多么美丽啊!但是,有的树却生病了。bié zháo ji kan you yi ge zhang zhe chi bang de yi sheng fei lái le ta jiu shi zhuo别着急!看,有一个长着翅膀的医生飞来了,他就是啄mu ...
一、基础巩固1.下列词语中加点字的注音有误的一项是 () A.忌惮(dan)踱步(du6)船掉(zhao)3行辈(xing B.撺掇(duo)凫水()船楫(i)柏树(jiu) C.旺相(xang)乌篷(peng)摇橹(lu)宛转(wan) D.船篱(gao)欺侮(wǔ)归省(xing)筋牛(in) 相关知识点: ...