慢慢喜欢你 + Sometimes When We Touch 和弦谱:慢慢喜欢你 + Sometimes When We Touch 编辑 收藏 音乐人:莫文蔚 Dan Hill 热度: 收藏数:1 难度:1级 E 此浏览器不支持画布 播放音频 C Dm7 C/E A7/E 书5<里总爱写到喜出望外的傍 晚 F D/F# Gsus4 G7 骑的单车还有他和她的对 谈 C ...
1. touch the right chord : 触动情绪, 扣人心弦; 词语用法 词源解说 n.(名词) chord的基本意思是“弦”,指数学上与圆的两点或弧的两端相交的直线,也可指乐器上的“弦”,还可指音乐上的“和弦,和音”,用作比喻可表示“心弦”。 词性常用度 名词 动词近义词...
They also got the notion of bouncing back and forth between maj7ths and minor chords: https://youtu.be/m1iFTc5zkN4?si=wjORo9EIPzor5C-0 and the clever, sad Steely When the Lights Go Out. The turnaround is delicious. https://youtu.be/qumXaS_Lw-4?si=sI5WCrR8DmySSYxG ABC ...
"Sometimeswhenwetouch Danhill" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 12 instruments including Acoustic Grand Piano, Bright Acoustic Piano, Acoustic Bass Drum, Electric Snare, Low Floor Tom, and Closed Hi-Hat. The total duration of this midi music is 3 minutes ...