由于牌子换了名字,头带上的MrSpeakers也换成了Dan Clark Audio。 头梁这两根钢丝固定在单元挂钩上,再由头带的滑扣加以固定。 他家的耳机线比较粗,说实话对于主打便携的Aeon2来说有点重了,长度上倒是还算ok。 耳机的接口使用他家祖传的定制四针mini XLR,插拔方便且牢靠,但是说实话用在这种注重便携的耳机上有点...
The Dan Clark Audio STEALTH is a top-of-the-line closed-back set of headphones priced at $4000. It boasts exceptional comfort, impressive build quality, innovative engineering, and features in-house developed planar magnetic drivers. The result is a pack
I liked the Aeon Closed so much I decided to get a pair of the Aeon Open Back and have to say I was not disappointed. Very comfortable and great build quality. To me the sound is excellent. I use these when I am home alone and the closed back when the wife is hear so I do not...
Summary –Aeon Closed X is a neutral-bright headphone and is better tuned than Open X in my opinion. Closed X has very good sub-bass reach and rumble, around a 3dB boost in the mid-bass around 100Hz, a slight dip around 200Hz, fairly neutral lower-midrange with very slight emphasis ...
This review covers the new Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Closed headphones which are a foldable upgraded design on the AEON.
温润Dan cl..温润 Dan clark audio/Mrspeakers Aeon2二代平板HIFI头戴式耳机 2020年2月购于织语工作室 基本全新 无任何质量问题 包装配件齐全 老板没开票据 但是有淘宝订单记
Dan Clark Audio Stealth The Stealth was launched around a year ago and was ourTop Gear award-winningclosed-back headphones for 2021. You can read our full reviewherein more detail. $3999.99 Technical The closed-back sibling uses the same 4th gen 76mm V-Planer driver as well as the subset...
本次Canjam上,MrSpeakers将正式更名为DanClark Audio 新品AEON 2 AEON 2是第一代AEON的升级版,虽然它保留了许多原始的AEON Flow风格元素,但几乎是全新设计产品。它的耳罩部分保持不变,但是万向节,头梁和单元都经过了完全重新设计,拥有更好的外观,便携性、佩戴体验以及最重要的音质。
A Planar Magnetic Favorite Goes Closed-Back Our last collaboration with Dan Clark Audio—the Aeon Open X—was an instant hit in the world of planar magnetic open-back headphones. Now, we’re unveiling it in a closed-back variation: the Aeon Closed X. A refinement of the Aeon Flow ...
Note, this review follows our new scoring guidelines for 2021 which you can read up onhere. Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire The AEON 2 Noire should not be considered a small cosmetic tweak on the AEON 2 Closed. Far from it. This is a cleaner, more expansive sounding performance to contrast...