Thereby, the obtained damping in closed loop is related with the feedback gain kc. This gain is smaller than twice the converter inductance impedance at the resonance frequency, in order to guarantee 0≤ζ≤1. As mentioned before, the ratio between the switching and resonance frequency rf ...
The variables σSKY and σGND are the skyhook and groundhook components of the damping force, α is the relative ratio between the skyhook and groundhook control, and G is a constant gain that is chosen in the same manner as described earlier for eqn (2a). When α = 1, hybrid control...
Gain is usually defined as the mean ratio of the signal output of a system to the signal input of the same system. It is often expressed using the logarithmic decibel (dB) units ("dB gain"). A gain greater than one is called amplification is the defining property of an active component...
a multi-mode vibration damper is capable of suppressing the whole structure modes simultaneously. In order to describe the characteristic behaviors of a multi-mode vibration damper, the stiffness ratio and loss factor with respect to the non-dimensional frequency are considered. The mechanism of a ...
on SOI wafers achieves a higher silicon etching aspect-ratio and a higher electrode surface area for a same device area. The converted energy per cycle of excitation with this new comb geometry is more than one order of magnitude higher than that of the previous gap-closing prototypes in air...
where 𝑅R is the transformation ratio of the ball screw, and 𝑅=2𝜋/𝑑R=2π/d, the 𝑑d is the lead of the ball screw. The force generated by the VI device: 𝐹𝑏=𝑅2𝐶1(𝛼˙−𝛽˙),Fb=R2C1(α˙−β˙), (3) The VD device uses a ball screw to conver...
Many options are possible in this context [3]. However, for the purpose of this study, an ideal transmission ratio can be defined as 𝜏t=𝑧˙d𝜔mτt=z˙dωm (1) where 𝜔mωm is the mechanical angular speed of the electric machine, and 𝑧˙dz˙d is the actuator speed....
In this part, the fundamental concepts of Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization are introduced. Furthermore, the basic knowledge of the hyperchaotic 5-D map is defined as well. 2.1. TLBO TLBO is a population-based optimization that imitates the teaching and learning process. It was devised by Rao...
In the context of equivalent damping ratio methodologies, the authors of [18] conducted a qualitative analysis of the fault limit clearing time and the fault limit clearing angle in the VSG and established the influence mechanisms between control parameters and the transient characteristics of the APL...
In particular, by increasing the characteristic ratio D2 above the optimal value 0.5 (while keeping the less-dominant characteristic ratios at optimal values Di = 0.5, i = 3, …, n), the closed-loop response becomes faster and more oscillatory. On the other hand, by decreasing D2 below ...