More than a hundred hydropower dams have already been built in the Amazon basin and numerous proposals for further dam constructions are under consideration. The accumulated negative environmental effects of existing dams and proposed dams, if constructe
Vulnerability of the biota in riverine and seasonally flooded habitats to damming of Amazonian rivers The extent and intensity of impacts of multiple new dams in the Amazon basin on specific biological groups are potentially large, but still uncertain and n... EM Latrubesse,F D'Horta,CC Ribas...
Building big dams in the Amazon River Basin has been a controversial issue since the 1970s when the first such projects were built. In the late 1980s/early 1990s, a handful of proposed projects were abandoned or postponed due to both environmental issues and low investment capacity in a ...
Modeling surface water dynamics in the Amazon Basin using MOSART-Inundation v1.0: impacts of geomorphological parameters and river flow representation Refining floodplain topography, channel geometry and Manning roughness coefficients, as well as accounting for backwater effects had notable impacts on the ...
The paper describes the damming process in the 3S Basin and how it threatens water security for downstream states in terms of securing the flow, volume, quality, space, and the temporal variations of the rivers and the livelihoods of river dependent communities. It examines how the Mekong ...
Because of the cartographic representation of DEVI, it is a useful tool to compare the potential hydrophysical impacts of proposed dams in the Amazon basin with the spatial distribution of biological diversity. As the impact of Amazonian dams on the biota of both rivers and periodically flooded ...
International Journal of OdonatologyBrasil LS, Giehl NF da S, Almeida SM, et al (2014) Does the damming of streams in the 695 southern Amazon basin affect dragonfly and damselfly assemblages (Odonata: Insecta)? 696 A preliminary study. International Journal of Odonatology 17:187-197. doi:...
Originating in the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes, the Madeira River is the largest tributary of the Amazon River in terms of discharge. Andean rivers transport large quantities of nutrient-rich suspended sediments and are the main source of phosphorus (P) to the Amazon basin. Here, we show the ...