不管DamienHirst是对浸泡生物的迷恋,还是对小药丸的执念,对于一位艺术家来说,能随心所欲,放飞自我地创作,就是值得羡慕的事。 ins:#dingart 敲黑板 Other Criteria纽约 Damian Hirst 名下的出版公司 Other Criteria 于美国纽约开设他们第一家的精品艺术画廊。 458 Brome Street New York, NY 10012 United States ...
(Damien Hirst,1965年6月7日-)是YBA的领军人物,从玩福尔马林成名,是霸屏过众多后现代艺术书籍,霸榜各种在世最贵英国艺术家的 king。 浓药 1986年,Hirst 进入众多 YBA 艺术家的摇篮的伦敦大学Goldsmiths学院学习 Fine Art 专业,师从Michael Craig-Martin——那位把一杯水拿去展览,冠名一颗橡树的英国观念艺术教父。
在世身家最高当代艺术家排名第一的:达明恩·赫斯特(Damien Hirst) 达明恩·赫斯特(Damien Hirst) 达明恩·赫斯特(Damien Hirst 又译“达明·赫斯特”“达米安·赫斯特”)生于1965年6月7日布里斯托,从小在英格兰北部的利兹长大。1983-85...
"Then you get the beauty of the butterfly, but its actually something horrible. It is like a butterfly has flown around and died horribly in the paint. The death of an insect that still has this really optimistic beauty of a wonderful thing." (D. Hirst, in E. Cicelyn ed.,Damien Hi...
Butterfly Colour Paintings Beckham夫妇据说花了60万镑购入这幅画,娱记拍到这幅画被挂到了小七的房间里,这样一看是不是更少女心了? 另一位女神 Miranda Kerr 客厅里挂的则是同款的红色蝴蝶心 。 画风竟然完全不一样了? 我们欣赏 Hirst 的作品,像欣赏古典音乐里的标题音乐,以标题开始,以自己的脑洞去完成这个故...
The concept of the ‘Butterfly Paintings’ derived from Hirst’s first solo show In and Out of Love, 1991. The exhibition covered two floors; upstairs, pupae were attached to white paintings, with the butterflies actually hatching during the opening, and downstairs, whole dead butterflies were ...
9613 damien hirst’s ‘butterfly paintings’, along with his spot and spin paintings, are some of his most recognisable works. idolatry has been composed by arranging many different breeds of butterfly into a mandala-like pattern. each one is meticulously placed to create a beautiful and system...
Damien Hirst Edición - 72 x 51 x 0.1 cm Vendida The Currency Unique Print (H11) Damien Hirst Edición - 100 x 150 x 0.1 cm Vendida Renewal, from Butterfly Etchings Damien Hirst Edición - 47.2 x 39.2 x 0.1 cm Vendida Scattered Spots 109/109 Damien Hirst Pintura - ...
Since the early 2000s Hirst has produced ambitious, captivating works ranging from the kaleidoscopic butterfly paintings (2001–08)—made by placing thousands of butterfly wings in intricate geometric patterns onto painted canvases—toFor the Love of God(2007), a platinum cast of a human skull ...
damien hirst is the first artist to fill every corner of château la coste's 500 acres with a blend of iconic and never-seen-before artworks.