Dalmatians will require a diet of well-balanced, high-quality dog food. Ideally, you should get a food that is age or breed-specific. You may need to find dog food that is low in purine, as Dalmatians are prone to developing bladder stones, and purine can lead to more bladder stones....
Chatty and vocal dog Barks, alerts, and may be physically protective/suspicious of visitors Generally friendly with other dogs May need additional training to live with other pets May need additional supervision to live with children Needs a large yard, either in suburban or rural areas Can be ...
Dalmatian inPets topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishDal‧ma‧tian,dalmatian/dælˈmeɪʃən/noun[countable] a largedogwith short whitehairand black orbrownspotsExamples from the CorpusDalmatian•Either way, it looks as though 103Dalmatiansmay now be out of the questi...
Dalmatians often require a lot of physical and mental stimulation, so trying to entertain the dog through exercise and other games may help reduce this behaviour. Your pets The McLeans bought Perdy in May last year, along with her sister Mia, after their previous Dalmatian Lulu died in Decemb...
The Dalmatian, with their iconic spotted coat, is still a popular dog breed today. They are loyal, high-energy, and friendly and make great family pets. However, they are not the right breed for everyone, as they require a lot of exercise and attention. This Pet Owner Serves Michelin Sta...
Find local Dalmatian dog breeders , Dalmatian breeders can advertise in our breeders directory for free.
Related topics:Animals,Pets Dal·ma·tian,dalmatian/dælˈmeɪʃən/noun[countableC] HBADHPa large dog with short white hair and black or brown spots大麦町犬,斑点狗→4See picture of见图Dalmatian Examples from the Corpus Dalmatian•Either way, it looks as though 103Dalmatiansmay now...
Plum Pudding Dog Spotted Coach Dog Pronunciation dal-mey-shuh n Description The Dalmatian is a large, strong, muscular dog. The skull is about as wide as it is long, and flat on the top. The muzzle is about the same length as the top of the skull. The stop is moderate but well ...
The Dalmatian’s feet are round with well-arched toes, and the nails are usually white or the same color as the dog’s spots. The thin ears taper towards the tip and are set fairly high and close to the head. Eye color varies between brown, amber, purple, and blue, with some dogs...
The Husky Dalmatian mix, also calledHuskmatian, will bea large dog with ahigh energylevelthat needs an hour to an hour and a half of exercise every day. Just be careful when walking this energetic dog as they can tend to escape when off the leash. ...