Dallas: Created by David Jacobs. With Larry Hagman, Ken Kercheval, Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray. J.R. Ewing, a Texas oil baron, uses manipulation and blackmail to achieve his ambitions, both business and personal. He often comes into conflict with his broth
Dallas TV show historyDallas is an American prime time television soap opera that aired on CBS-TV from April 2, 1978, to May 3, 1991. The series revolves around a wealthy and feuding Texan family, the Ewings, who own the independent oil company Ewing Oil and the cattle-ranching land of...
Show additional share options On April 2, 1978, CBS premiered its primetime soap opera Dallas, which would go on to run for fourteen seasons at the network. The Hollywood Reporter’s original review, which appeared as part of a TeleVisions column, is below: PASSING IN REVIEW: Melodrama ...
Byline: LisaWilliamsWHEN it was first screened back in 1978, Dallas was only ever meant to be a humble five-part series. But with its big stetsons, big egos and big money, the show dripped drama -and fans were hooked.The life of the Ewings, a wealthy oil family from Texas, proved...
History at Southfork began in 1978 when Lorimar Productions chose the North Texas showplace as the site for the CBS TV series Dallas. ... The original owner of the ranch and his family were actually living atSouthfork Ranchas the filming began. ...
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Exclusive interview by Karen Beishuizen My next guest needs no introduction as we all know him as Ray Krebbs on the TV-show “Dallas “: Actor Steve Kanaly played the iconic role from 1978 to 1989 and never grew tired of it. He is 75 now and resides with
Dallas (TV Series 1978–1991) Dallas: J.R. Returns (TV Movie 1996) Dallas: War of the Ewings (TV Movie 1998) Doing Dallas (TV Special 2000) Referenced in "Conan" The Unitard Dilemma (TV Episode 2011) Conan O'Brien (while talking with Andy Ritcher) mentions this show "The Ton...
1978 on CBS, met with poor reviews, but earned ratings that put it in the top ten by the end of its limited run. The central premise was a Romeo and Juliet conflict, set in contemporary Texas. Pamela Barnes and Bobby Ewing were the young lovers; their two families perpetuated the feud...
“We just have so many great memories that we love re-living from our time in the series. We’re still very much a family.” Tilton starred in “Dallas” as Lucy Ewing Cooper from 1978 until 1990. She would go on to appear in the show’s reboot from 2012 until 2014. Her co-star...