In a statement given on Friday, Police Chief David Brown said that the robot was deployed after several hours of failed negotiations and an exchange of fire at the El Centro College parking structure where the suspect was found. “We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place...
Dallas shooter killed by bomb robot 达拉斯狙击警察案:警方使用机器人炸弹击毙枪手2016-07-09 21:08:54 看看新闻Knews综合关键词: Dallas达拉斯shooter枪手bombrobot机器人炸弹Shanghai Live上海国际频道推荐视频 04:06 新国标发布 你的“小电驴”有大变化 看呀STV2025/01/16 00:48 商务部:扩大电信、医疗、...
NEW YORK --Experts say it's extremely rare and possibly a "first" for a police department to use a bomb robot with an explosive device to kill a suspect who poses a threat, as Dallas police say they did followingshootings that left five officers deadand seven others wounded. The shooting...
Did the use of a bomb disposal robot by the Dallas police tocarry and detonate an explosive...Henry FountainMichael S Schmidt
Centro College and took refuge in the second floor. He fired out of the window, killing Sgt. Michael Smith, and then began an hours-long standoff with police that would end after Chief Brown ordered officers to use a remote-controlled robot to explode a bomb n...
Monster Truck Wars is a high-energy monster truck show featuring a real-life robot battle and giant, 10,000-pound monster trucks, including the T-Rex, Shark Attack, Sheriff, and the legendary Outlaw. The event also includes a kid’s power wheel races, a chance to take a ride in a rea...
an exchange of gunfire, police used a robot to detonate a small bomb, killing the gunman. johnson, a former army reservist ,“told negotiators that the end is coming, and he is going to hurt and kill more of us,” brown said . three other suspects are in police custody, although law...