9451 LYNDON B JOHNSON FWY, Dallas, TX 75243 (972) 686-7878 Remington College-Dallas Campus Want to see your real chances? We take every aspect of your personal profile into consideration when calculating your admissions chances. Calculate my chances Admissions ...
8. Arizona College With multiple campuses throughout the United States, including nursing schools in Dallas,Arizona Collegeoffers an accelerated BSN to students. Instead of the traditional four years of studies, students graduate within three years. No prior RN licensing is required for admission to...
Business of Healthcare Podcast Be sure to subscribe to our podcast so that you don't miss a single episode! Please select from one of t...
AdmissionRequirements TheUniversity’sgeneraladmissionrequirementsarediscussedhere. FortheMastersinGeospatialInformationSciences,abaccalaureatedegreefroman accrediteduniversityorcollegeisrequiredandGraduateRecord Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) scores must be presented. A 3.0 ...
Angel B. Pérez, CEO of the National Association for College Admission Counseling, said, "The way I think about this is: if you wouldn’t ask a question on an employer application or interview, you probably shouldn’t ask it for collegiate enrollment." ...