Emmy Lou Musgrave (left) and Macy Hogue, public service specialists, worked the desk recently at the Skillman Southwestern Library in Dallas. The City Council is considering saving the branch by taking funds out of an equity related infrastructure initiative.(Nathan Hunsinger / S...
City Council to set election date:This change would remove references in the charter requiring City Council elections to be held in May and allow the group to set the election date via a resolution or ordinance. The proposal would allow the city to move its ...
American Consulting Engineers Council, 1979 cross section at interior court (top); longitudinal section (bottom) Dallas City Hall creates an urban aesthetic and unique sense of place decisive to the image and life of the city. 项目相关
American Consulting Engineers Council, 1979 cross section at interior court (top); longitudinal section (bottom) Dallas City Hall creates an urban aesthetic and unique sense of place decisive to the image and life of the city. 项目相关
Unanimously approved by City Council in 2020, the CECAP provides a comprehensive roadmap for improving quality of life, reducing emissions, and preparing for climate impacts. It builds on the 2015 City of Dallas greenhouse gas inventory and leverages extensive public outreach & engagement to create...
达拉斯市政厅 / Dallas City Hall得克萨斯州,达拉斯 1966-1977达拉斯市政厅可以说是贝聿铭在这之前所有作品的一个总结,只不过更雄伟,更大胆,在达拉斯这个骄傲而年轻的城市里,显得英气十足。1964年,得州仪器前CEO埃里克·琼森(Erik Jonsson)被任命为达拉斯临时市长,他
Local Dallas TX city, travel guide connecting tourists, locals with information in Dallas through the unique concept of local social networking on 214area.com
The citizens of Dallas voted twice in 2005 on plans to replace their system of government with a new one run by a mayor instead of a manager and a council. According to consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, Dallas had a city hall where the mayo...
https://dallascityhall.com The City Secretary's Office in Dallas, TX, overseen by City Secretary Bilierae Johnson, manages a range of programs and services related to city governance. From maintaining city codes and charter to facilitating council meetings and managing records, the office plays ...
Mayor Pro Tem Tennell Atkins toldThe Dallas Morning Newson Monday he hopes recruitment for candidates for the city’s top government executive job will begin in the fall. But, he added, the City Council is still finalizing the timeline to find the successor to former city manag...