Wireless Hi-Fi headphones The DALI IO-12 uses the same sound principles as our full-size loudspeakers. Go to DALI IO-12 Join the DALI family Register your DALI product and gain access to future club initiatives. Register your product
Wireless Hi-Fi headphones The DALI IO-12 uses the same sound principles as our full-size loudspeakers. Go to DALI IO-12 Join the DALI family Register your DALI product and gain access to future club initiatives. Register your product
GO TO EPIKORE 11 Wireless Hi-Fi headphones The DALI IO-12 uses the same sound principles as our full-size loudspeakers.Go to DALI IO-12 Join the DALI family Register your DALI product and gain access to future club initiatives.Register your product...
Welcome to DALI Speakers. At DALI, we are driven by a raw passion for music and its honest reproduction in the domestic environment.
一般人听到「Dali」,第一个想到的不外乎超现实主义画家达利(Salvador Dali),就连在Google上搜寻,也是先找到达利的相关连结,才看到「DALI Loudspeakers International」网站。我也喜欢达利的画,那充满想像力的创作,每一幅都有让人拍案的创意。但我们的Dali喇叭厂走的可不是这种天马行空的风格,而且两者一点关系也没有...
Last year I had the good fortune to attend a launch event for the Dali Rubicon Series loudspeakers thrown by Dali and its North American distributor, Dallas-based The Sound Organisation. Dali’s latest line includes five models and occupies a critical sweet spot in the maker’s roster bringing...
DALI Introduces Flagship OBERON 9 Tower Loudspeakers New DALI OPTICON MK2 Loudspeakers: A Danish For Your Morning Listen Home>Latest>New Products>Loudspeakers>Floorstanding Speakers>DALI’s KORE Flagship Loudspeakers Will Run You $120,000: That’s A lot of Herring ...
一般人聽到「Dali」,第一個想到的不外乎超現實主義畫家達利(Salvador Dali),就連在Google上搜尋,也是先找到達利的相關連結,才看到「DALI Loudspeakers International」網站。我也喜歡達利的畫,那充滿想像力的創作,每一幅都有讓人拍案的創意。但我們的Dali喇叭廠走的可不是這種天馬行空的 風格,而且兩者一點關係也沒...
I thought I'd review the procedure I typically use to seek out affordable speakers for review as, in the case of the Denmark-designed DALI Zensor, made in the company's facility in China, there was a twist at the end. In preparing to review affordable loudspeakers, I typically put togeth...
Duo的音质令人惊叹,具有壮观的成像、非常平滑和平坦的音调平衡以及令人惊讶的延伸低音。Duo易于使用、极具音乐性且技术先进,为生活带来真正高端性能。 本文翻译自: https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/2022-high-end-audio-buyers-guide-active-stand-mounted-loudspeakers...