港口名称 达喀尔港口英文 dakar港口代码 SNDAK 所属国家中文 塞内加尔所属国家英文 Senegal所属航线 西非线达喀尔位于塞内加尔(全称:塞内加尔共和国THE REPUBLIC OF SENEGAL)西部沿海戈雷(GOREE)湾的西岸,濒临大西洋的东侧,是塞内加尔的最大港口,也是西非的最大海港。始建于1861年,现为塞内加尔的首都及全国政治、经济和...
Forecast: 26 / 20 °C Wind: 22 km/h↑from Northwest Location:Dakar / Yoff Current Time:2025年3月18日 (二)16時05分28秒 Latest Report:2025年3月18日 (二)15時00分 Visibility:N/A Pressure:1009 mbar Humidity:54% Dew Point:15 °C ...
塞内加尔达喀尔 1. Dakar, Senegal 2. Dakar Senegal 达喀尔赛 1. the paris dakar rally 达喀尔 塞内加尔 1. DKR DAKAR 达喀尔市 1. DARKA 百科 达喀尔 达喀尔(Dakar)是塞内加尔的首都,位于佛得角半岛,面朝大西洋海岸。达喀尔是主要的行政中心,是塞内加尔国民议会及总统官邸所在地。它是塞内加尔最大...
Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Dakar – Senegal. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Convert Time From Dakar, Senegal to any time zone Need to compare more than just two places at once? Try our World Meeting Planner and get a color-coded chart comparing the time of day in Dakar, Senegal with all of the other international locations where others will be participating. Put...
Click here for theCurrent Time in Dakar, Senegal Like this location? Make it a Weather Favorite! Add Senegal to my favorites! Bookmark this location to check the time and temperature with forecast and current weather conditions in Dakar, Senegal before making travel plans for a hotel or flight...
达喀尔位于塞内加尔(全称:塞内加尔共和国THE REPUBLIC OF SENEGAL)西部沿海戈雷(GOREE)湾的西岸,濒临大西洋的东侧,是塞内加尔的最大港口,也是西非的最大海港。始建于1861年,现为塞内加尔的首都及全国政治、经济和交通的中心。它是大西洋航线的重要中转港及加油港,是西非极为重要的交通枢纽,铁路北通圣路易(ST.LOUIS)港...
Senegal Highlights 7 Days - 6 Nights ( Minimum 2 Participants) 1 from $1,820 per adult 8 Days 7 Nights Senegal Highlights 1 from $2,184 per adult Unwind 2024 Pullman Dakar Teranga 1,976 2024 Noom Hotel Dakar Sea Plaza, A Member Of Radisson Individuals 2,519 Terrou-bi Resort ...
Port Dakar cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Dakar, Senegal. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and ...
2025年3月24日星期一 Fullscreen Country:Senegal Lat/Long:14°40'N / 17°26'W Elevation:23 m Currency:CFA Franc BCEAO (XOF) Languages:French Country Code:+221 Astronomy Note:3月29日 (六), Partial Solar Eclipseis partially visible in Dakar.See eclipse info for Dakar ...