The hadith reports Muhammad said that the advent of the Mahdi would be signalled by Black Standards proceeding from Khorasan and that it will be the flag of the army that will fight the Masih ad-Dajjal. Gli ʾaḥādīth dicono che Maometto affermò che l'avvento del Mahdi sarebbe ...
as salaam alakim! we hear about the dajjal,(I'm a recent shia revert) but who is he I read sunni hadiths about what he will do, but I always wondered what the one eye symble is, illluminati use it for Lucifer, some say its pagan ancient Egyptian. From th
Honesty Parker Usman Makhdoom Azam Syed and Family Muhammad Naveed Khan Ashfaq / Arshia Mehdi Sam's parents Halimah & Family Rokiah & Family Syed Najeeb Hyder Razvi Hachim&FamilySaidAli Joy B Walters & Family Abubakar Sayyeda Zohra Nazir and family Your Name Here...
The hadith reports Muhammad said that the advent of the Mahdi would be signalled by Black Standards proceeding from Khorasan and that it will be the flag of the army that will fight the Masih ad-Dajjal. Gli ʾaḥādīth dicono che Maometto affermò che l'avvento del Mahdi sarebbe ...