“D项目”“DPL”是一个满足入驻企业BCP需求的设施品牌。 大规模工业园区开发 我们在越南南部同奈省与合作企业共同开发了“Long Duc工业区”,该项目是我们集团的代表性项目,它使商业计划纷至沓来,并吸引了众多日本企业。 多元化事业发展 我们为日本企业的驻地代表及出差人士提供酒店及服务式公寓运营服务,以满足他们的...
许多企业担心当地基础设施不牢固,而我们提供配备了持续事业所需设备的工业园区、租赁工厂及仓库,持续援助大量日本企业的海外扩张。我们在稳固增加拥有诸多国内开发业绩的内部设施品牌“D计划”“DPL”的市场数量,预计今后也会在ASEAN以外的地区开展事业。 相关话题...
DPL Sapporo Rail Gate (Hokkaido Prefecture), DPL Hiratsuka (Kanagawa Prefecture), DPL Osaka Maishima, and others. Further, construction of two facilities was commenced in the above period. They are DPL Osaka Nanko I, a large freezing and refrigeration facility, and DPL Kuki Miyashiro II (...
The DHLT collection features six properties in Greater Tokyo, including the largest and highest-valued asset, DPL Kawasaki Yako, a 93,159 square metre facility appraised at JPY 20.75 billion ($180 million). Other large holdings include the 60,347 square metre DPL Sapporo Higashi Kariki on the...
Daiwa House Property Management Co., Ltd., a company that mainly manages and operates logistics facilities developed by the Company, concluded new property management agreements for six logistics facilities and others including DPL Ome that was completed in April 2024, increasing the number of ...
cost around 55 billion yen ($523 million) in total, are located in the Kanto region, which includes Tokyo, as well as the central Chubu region. Daiwa House will continue to manage the facilities after Blackstone’s purchase, and the warehouses will retain Daiwa House’s DPL brand.Read ...
“DPL Indonesia Bekasi”距离雅加达市中心约30公里,距离丹戎不碌港(拥有印度尼西亚最大集装箱吞吐量的国际商业港口)约35公里,距离苏加诺-哈达国际机场约55公里,位于海运及空运交通十分便利的枢纽地带。是一座可以满足多样化需求的多租户型物流设施。 相关信息(新闻稿)Global...
DPL Vietnam Minh Quang(暂定) 占地面积 约70,109 m2 租赁面积 约37,548 m2 “DPL Vietnam Minh Quang”(暂定)为本公司在越北开发的首个多租户型物流设施。该设施面向可直达河内市中心的主干道(亚洲14号高速公路),作为河内市配送基地,也有极其优越的地理位置。该设施为单层建筑,占地面积70,109.20m2,建筑...
DPL LocAn BinhSon Phase I 占地面积 约66,065 m2 租赁面积 约30,210 m2 “DPL LocAn BinhSon”距离胡志明市约40公里,距离越南南部的主要港口“吉莱港”约30公里,距离Cai Mep - Thi Vai港约40公里。该项目分为I期和II期(总占地面积约132,600m2,总租赁面积约62,000m2),是一座可以满足多样化需求的多...