蓝色涂装的是低速比SALTIGA EXP,黑金色涂装的是高速比SALTIGA DOGFIGHT。01款之后SALTIGA均搭载了类似禧玛诺的斜口线杯设计,应用在抛投钓法中优势较为明显。同样是线杯表面镀钛,SALTIGA的表面处理工艺略逊于禧玛诺STELLA SW,如果海钓矶钓之后疏于保养,比较容易出现腐蚀。 对于想自行改装渔线轮的资深玩家,除了达亿瓦的原装...
The advertised weight of the 8000 is 850 grams (30 oz), and it actually weighs a hair less, which is a very good weight considering the extreme line capacity. With a capacity identical to those of the Expedition and Dogfight 8000, the BG SW 8000 is another full size reel with a line...