聚和材料8月30日发布消息,8月27日,公司接待Daiwa (Shanghai) Corporate Strategic Advisory Co.Ltd.等多家机构调研,接待人员总经理 敖毅伟,财务总监、董事会秘书 林椿楠,证券事务代表 占凯云,投资者关系经理 张芷菡,接待地点聚和材料会议室。 调研主要内容 公司于2024年8月27日召开了2024年半年度业绩说明会,现将...
鞍钢股份:Daiwa (Shanghai) Corporate Strategic Advisory、Daiwa Securities等2家机构于12月3日调研我司 2021年12月6日鞍钢股份(000898)发布公告称:Daiwa (Shanghai) Corporate Strategic AdvisoryYumeng Zheng、Daiwa SecuritiesShinichiro Ozaki于2021年12月3日调研我司。本次调研主要内容:问:公司主营业务 答:公...
2024年8月29日,迈为股份披露接待调研公告,公司于8月29日接待BARNHILL CAPITAL LIMITED、Daiwa(Shanghai)Corporate Strategic Advisory Co.Ltd.、Dymon Asia Capital (HK) Limited、Fidelity International、Fountainbridge Advisor Limited等199家机构调研。公告显示,迈为股份参与本次接待的人员共5人,为董事长周剑,财务...
聚和材料接待135家机构调研,包括线上参与公司2024年半年度业绩说明会的全体投资者、Daiwa (Shanghai) Corporate Strategic Advisory Co.Ltd、FOUNTAINBRIDGE等 2024年8月30日,聚和材料披露接待调研公告,公司于8月27日接待线上参与公司2024年半年度业绩说明会的全体投资者、Daiwa (Shanghai) Corporate Strategic Advisor...
2024年8月29日,迈为股份披露接待调研公告,公司于8月29日接待BARNHILL CAPITAL LIMITED、Daiwa(Shanghai)Corporate Strategic Advisory Co.Ltd.、Dymon Asia Capital (HK) Limited、Fidelity International、Fountainbridge Advisor Limited等199家机构调研。 公告显示,迈为股份参与本次接待的人员共5人,为董事长周剑,财务总监...
赣锋锂业接待168家机构调研,包括Balyasny Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited、BARNHILLCAPITALLIMITED、Daiwa(Shanghai)CorporateStrategicAdvisoryCo.Ltd.等 2024年8月29日,赣锋锂业披露接待调研公告,公司于8月29日接待Balyasny Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited、BARNHILLCAPITALLIMITED、Daiwa(Shanghai)Corporate...
The article reports on the acquisition of the corporate finance division of Close Brothers by Japanese firm Daiwa Securities SMBC Europe. The transaction is valued at 拢75 million. The deal indicates a move by the bank to pursue its plans to establish a firm advisory foothold in Europe. ...
Daiwa House Real Estate Investment Management Co., Ltd. Investment corporation Asset management Real estate investment advisory Daiwa House Realty Mgt. Co.,Ltd. Land utilization Development & operation of commercial facilities Rental of commercial facilities Hotels Daiwa House Reform Co., Ltd. Renovatio...
We cover sovereigns, supranational, agency, corporate and financial institutions borrowers, providing funding solutions across a wide range of currencies. Mergers & Acquisitions Daiwa Capital Markets provides a full range of strategic M&A financial advisory services to our clients including acquisitions, div...
Daiwa Securities Group is an investment bank that provides financial services including merger and acquisition (M&A) advisory, capital markets, structured finance, and sales and trading services to corporate and institutional clients. Use the CB Insights