Brace yourself for some of the most exuberant and disjunctive Pop Art imagery ever put onscreen, including scenes in which the scissors-happy hedonists shred not only objects and each other but the movie itself. Full Review|Aug 26, 2014 ...
Brace yourself for some of the most exuberant and disjunctive Pop Art imagery ever put onscreen, including scenes in which the scissors-happy hedonists shred not only objects and each other but the movie itself. Full Review | Aug 26, 2014 Load...
《雏菊》作为新浪潮的杰作及其绽放的超女性化的感官盛宴而经久不衰。《雏菊》Daisies,1966. 捷克斯洛伐克导演:维拉·希蒂洛娃(Věra Chytilová,1929-2014,捷克电影导演)现在,是时候来深入研究捷克斯洛伐克新浪潮(Czechoslovak New Wave)电影中的瑰宝了,这些先锋艺术与杨·涅梅茨(Jan Němec,1936-2016)、杨·史云梅耶(...
GoProto customize Review byKroidiPro Daisies1966 ★★★½ Rewatched16Jan2024 I like to watch this movie because it is fun for me to watch Kroidiliked these reviews All Reviewed by dylan★★★ Reviewed by chloe★★★ Reviewed by
(This movie was nominated for review by “Kay” who called it a “very pretty and colourful feminist Czech movie that’s quite weird and entertaining visually.”Suggest a weird movie of your own here.)
See Bloody Daisies's production, company, and contact information. Explore Bloody Daisies's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
她迫不及待地走出来,推开玻璃门,蹲下身,捧起那一小盆雏菊。远远地凝视着她微笑着,轻嗅雏菊的淡香,他依窗不语。雏菊的花语是the hidden love.她会画画,安静地作画,淡淡地微笑。小心翼翼地走过独木桥,还是狼狈地摔到河里。他看见了,急速奔过去。只是捡到了她落下的画袋。于是他为她建了一座木桥。为得是让她...
Based in New York City, she's an established film critic and entertainment reporter, who has traveled the world on assignment, covered a variety of film festivals, co-hosted movie-focused podcasts, interviewed a wide array of performers and filmmakers, and had her work published on RogerEbert....
By Movie1053 119 supporters 420 days left Support 15 comments Save project Share project Report project Leave Private Feedback Originality Building Techniques Details Submit This will only be visible to the creator. Recommended Zelda’s Silent Princess Heart By Shield Maiden of Gondor ...
Here's a song about how movie theaters reopen from the COVID-19 pandemic. Told them your dreams and they all started being calm I guess you're out of your mind till it actually happens I'm the big town One in eight billion Why can't it be me?