Providing specialist farmer services including calf disbudding, weighing of cattle, body condition scoring and EID scanning and file creation.
D. Earle A guide to scoring dairy cow condition J. Agric. Victoria, 74 (1976), pp. 228-230 Google Scholar Evans et al., 2004 R.D. Evans, P. Dillon, L. Shalloo An economic comparison of dual purpose and Holstein-Friesian cow breeds in a seasonal grass-based system under different mi...
During this period, the amount paid (inflation-adjusted NZ$/kg of milk solids) ranged from NZ$4.30 to NZ$8.72 (over this 20-yr span, NZ$1 was equivalent to $0.62). This volatility in prices paid to farmers for milk inevitably drives less profitable farms out of business. Practices such...
T. Boundy Body condition scoring of sheep Progr. Sheep Breeder, Spring (1982) 22–24 Google Scholar Bransby et al., 1977 D.I. Bransby, A.G. Matches, G.F. Krause Disk meter for rapid estimation of herbage yield in grazing trials Agron. J., 69 (1977), pp. 393-396 CrossrefGoogle ...
The BCS and lameness scoring at each stage were carried out by the same person at approximately 1645 h. Sward Height Measurements of compressed sward height were made each day at approximately 0630 h using a rising plate meter (Ashgrove Pasture Meter; Ashgrove Pastoral Products, Hamilton, NZ)...
Blood samples were taken right after calving (d 1) and before morning feeding on d 8, 15, and 21 postpartum concurrently with body condition scoring for all cows. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma adiponectin, leptin, tumor necrosis factor-α, and IL-6. The mean BCS remained highest ...
D.F. Earle A guide to scoring dairy cow condition J. Agric (Victoria), 74 (1976), pp. 228-231 Google Scholar Elgersma et al., 2006 A. Elgersma, S. Tamminga, G. Ellen Modifying milk composition through forage Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 131 (2006), pp. 207-225 View PDFView article...
Dairy NZ.Dairy NZ Body Condition Scoring: The Reference Guide for New Zealand Dairy Farmers; Dairy NZ: Hamilton, New Zealand, 2012. [Google Scholar] Valour, D.; Hue, I.; Degrelle, S.A.; Déjean, S.; Marot, G.; Dubois, O.; Germain, G.; Humblot, P.; Ponter, A.A.; Charpigny...
Nowadays, different types of farm management information systems (FMIS) are being used in practice in several sectors of farming, such as dairy, arable, fruits, vegetables, and meat farming. The goal of this research is to identify, evaluate, and synthes
A Body Condition Scoring Chart for Holstein Dairy Cows. J. Dairy Sci. 1989, 72, 68–78. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] GfE. Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie. Empfehlungen zur Energie-und Nährstoffversorgung der Milchkühe und Aufzuchtrinder (Commitee of Nutrient Requirements of the ...