Every kid should be identified by attaching an ear tag or neck chain or collar (Figure 6, Figure 7) on their day of birth. Because goats and kids like chewing and playing, they can easily lose their tags. To prevent this, an appropriate tag size is recommended, along with a strong mat...
随州喝茶群:随州最新喝茶地点 随州这座古老的城市,虽然不如一线大城市繁华,但却有着独特的魅力。近年来,随州也逐渐兴起了喝茶文化,许多喜欢品茶的朋友们聚集在一起,互相交流分享心得。 其中一个比较火爆的地方就是“随州喝茶群”,这个群组里汇聚了许多热爱茶文化的人士。他们分享各种新奇有趣的茶具、品尝各种口味丰富...