Jeff Falash, research and development manager for Neenah, Wis.-based NERCON, joinsDairy Foodsfor Episode 49 of the “Let’s Talk Dairy” podcast to discuss packaging trends. Falash began his career at Nercon 37 years ago. He started in assembly on the plant floor, spent time as part of i...
The Dairy Star is mailed free to dairy farmers in Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and parts of Michigan and Illinois.
Dairy briefs
Well, folks, I think you can consider that mission accomplished. Made at Cedar Grove Cheese in Plain, Wis., LaBelle is enjoying a successful run in local markets and continually sells out special dinners at The Pub in downtown Oconomowoc. The Koepkes are now experimenting with a Foenegreek ...
The Peninsula Pride Farms group has been fantastic to work with and work for, and it’s all of us coming together that’s making a difference in our sustainability work.”Ducat farms in Kewaunee, Wis., with partners Derek Ducat and Dale Bogart. Their farm prioritizes sustainability for the...
Premier Exhibitor was Oakfield Corners Dairy of Oakfield, N.Y., while Premier Breeder was Kress-Hill Dairy of Newton, Wis. Marion, Wisconsin’s Bella-Ridge, Harbaugh, and Loehr Families were named Premier Breeder and Exhibitor of the Heifer Show. For the second year in a row, Riverdown Un...
Two-thirds of the addition is for production and the rest is for product storage. For all the details on the company, its plant expansion and its production plans, read the report at www.wisfarmer DIPPING INTO GREEK YOGURT (posted May 8, 2013) General Mills introduces Yoplait Greek ...
An example of such a domain-specific information systems research can be found in the agricultural sector, particularly research on Farm Management Information Systems (FMISs) [1–3]. As farms increasingly become automated and data-driven, farmers adopt modern FMISs [4,5]. With the development ...
Many of our retail cheese products are sold in grocery stores throughout the United States, online, and at our retail Cheese Store & Bistro in Grantsburg, Wis., and Cady Cheese in Wilson, Wis. Burnett Dairy Cooperative provides farmers with a full range of agricultural...
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Babcock Hall 1605 Linden Dr. Madison, WI 53706 Tel: 608-262-5970 Fax: 608-262-1578 Web: Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association 5117 W. Terrace Dr., Ste. 402 Madison, WI 53717 Tel: 608-286-1001 Web: www.wischeesemakersassn.or...