Dairy Farmers of America is a farmer-owned cooperative focused on dairy farming and milk processing. The company supports nearly 10,000 family farms by processing and distributing dairy products, and offers a variety of dairy-related goods such as yogurt and cheese. DFA also engages in sustainable...
BURLINGTON, Vt. – The U.S. Attorney General’s office and attorneys for the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed “Statement of Interest by the United States of America” Monday (July 27) in the civil lawsuit brought in October 2016 by Farmers United (Sitts, et. al.) alleging monopsony an...
Dairy farmers go to Indiana, say Ohio permits take too long A review of Agriculture Department records shows the wait for permits is getting even longer.Ben Sutherly Staff Writer
Indiana, but in 2024, they decided to do something new. The family-owned business launched the "Kuehnert Milk House," which directly sells their farm-to-table products like milk, butter, ice cream, and cheese curds to customers. According to21 Alive, the family of dairy farmers is taking...
8. Dairy Farmers of America Inc. Kansas City, KSDAIRY EXECUTIVE: Rick Smith, president and CEOType: CFiscal Year End: 12/31Sales (in millions): $4,640.2 (2018) | $4,082.8 (2017) Dairy Brands: Borden (used under license for cheese and butter), Breakstone’s (used under license for...
7. Dairy Farmers of America Inc. Kansas City, MO DAIRY EXECUTIVE: Rick Smith, President/CEO Type: C Fiscal Year End: 12/2015 Sales (in millions): $3,791.0 (2015) | $5,005.0 (2014) Dairy Brands: Borden Cheese, Borden Butter, Breakstone’s, Cache Valley Cheese, Cache Valley Butter...
Thomas and his family have been dairy farmers at Triple-T Holsteins and Jerseys in North Lewisburg, Ohio, for the last 16 years. The farm is owned by Thomas and Jenny, as well as Nathan’s father, John, and brother, Andy. During that period, Triple-T has bred, produced, marketed, an...
Since the term grass-fed is not regulated by FDA, grass-based dairy farmers initiated the development of this third-party verification program to ensure the authenticity of products claiming to be grass-fed. This is important as many products claim grass-fed when the cow’s diet contains only...
Utilizing milk permeate to produce low carbon ethanol is an innovative solution to reduce carbon footprint and provide dairy farmers more value from their milk.” As a result of their partnership, the new facility will transform 14,000 tons of milk permeate, a dairy byproduct, into 2.2 ...
Are there any small raw milk farmers who are currently leaving the calves with the mother and harvesting a humane, sustainable amount of milk? Solutions – YES there IS a better way! After publishing this post, one of my readers shared the link to Traderspoint Creamery in Indiana where the...