Define dairy farming. dairy farming synonyms, dairy farming pronunciation, dairy farming translation, English dictionary definition of dairy farming. Noun 1. dairy farming - the business of a dairy dairying farming, husbandry, agriculture - the practice
New York State is the third largest dairy state in the United States based on milk production (behind California and Wisconsin). Since the mid-1990's, the trend toward hiring Hispanic workers on New York's larger dairy farms (usually 400 cows or more) has steadily increased and currently th...
Biochemical blood indexes and metabolic relationships in high-producing dairy Black-and-White cows with different reproductive potential were investigated at the end of early lactation. A rise in the alanine aminotransferase activity in the blood of animals with the increased reproductive ability was foun...
A bstract This opinion reviews information on small-scale dairy cow farming systems in Europe, including the impact of production diseases on welfare of cows, and proposes a methodology for welfare assessment in those systems. To address specific expectations of consumers that food be produced locall...
Department of Dairy Science, South Dakota State University, Brooklings, South Dakota, USA W. Jöchle x W. Jöchle Search for articles by this author DOI: Images/Data Related Articles To view the full text, please login as a ...
For dairy cows identified as being at a high risk for dysregulation, preventive interventions could be timely initiated at the level of the individual cow, e.g. by diet. In the long term, the phenotypic information about a low risk for dysregulation could be used in breeding to improve ...
All cows had access to the same fresh TMR described in Phase 1 inside the barn throughout the entire study. As in Phase 1, the push gate was fitted with an intial weight of 7 kg and this weight was increased by 7 kg every 24 hours. The test stopped when no cow within the...
Continuing the work of this station in dairy lines, we grew cabbages, mangel wurzels, white flat turnips, and rutabagas, made com fodder and ensilage during the summer and fall of 1893, and fed them to twenty cows during the winter of 1893-4. The object in view was to get indications...
In contrast, udders with short hair are cleaner (Figure 1b), so milking preparation is easier and faster and there is less risk of cows developing mastitis. Clean udders can easily be prepared for milking without water, thus eliminating a source of the microorganisms that cause mastitis. With...