Research articleAbstract only Comparative analysis of non-fermented andSaccharomyces boulardii-fermented whey: Peptidomic profiling, in silico bioactive peptide analysis, and in vivo evaluation of serum proteins and immune response Eduarda Heck Sumny, ... Aniela Pinto Kempka ...
Show all article previewsShow all article previews Contents Dairy Foods: Bioactivity and Human Health Dairy Foods: Chemistry and Materials Science Dairy Foods: Microbiology and Safety Production: Animal Nutrition Production: Farm Systems Analysis and Economics Production: Genetics and Genomics Symposium: AD... is your go-to resource for the latest news, insights, and innovations in the dairy industry. We connect dairy farmers and industry experts with the knowledge to optimize their operations, improve profitability and stay ahead of an ever-evol
Article PubMed Google Scholar Bruijnis M.R., Hogeveen H., Stassen E.N., 2013. Measures to improve dairy cow foot health: Consequences for farmer income and dairy cow welfare. Animal, 7, 167–175. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Charfeddine, N., and Perez-Cabal, M.A., 2017. ...
This article has been updatedAbstract In European and many African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian populations, lactase persistence (LP) is the most strongly selected monogenic trait to have evolved over the past 10,000 years1. Although the selection of LP and the consumption of prehistoric ...
This article has been updatedAbstract Background: No previous study has evaluated the associations of dairy products, lactose, calcium and vitamin D with the risk of ovarian cancer in African–American women, who are known to have high mortality from the disease, as well as to be at risk ...
High dairy production and utilization have proven very effective in improving food and nutrition security in society, especially among the rural poor. This review sought to find out the status of dairy production and utilization in Ghana and Benin, the challenges, and the way forward. The review...
This page contains a list of all available article collections, special issues and supplements published within the journal. Automated Milking Systems Collection Last update 29 December 2021 Invited Reviews: Physiology Last update 16 December 2021 ...
What impact do you envision your article will have?There are evaluation methods able to account for all information, independent of the size of the genomic data. For small genotyped populations, the gain in accuracy of genomic predictions may be limited by the number o...
Nature volume 195, page 659 (1962)Cite this article 273 Accesses Metrics details This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please go to to ...