As for the dipole antenna, the supply of electricity section (10) from, the 1st emission element which on the one hand extends to the side in reference direction (101) with, the 2nd emission element which on the one hand extends to side (102) with, from the supply of electricity ...
三、 根据语境,看拼音写词语。 (10分)1.皇 zhooji(集)了所有dachen()如何抵御外敌ru qin()。2我在院子里种了一株山茶花.平时按照woipo()
以坡公君如大江日千里我如此水千山底为韵作作者:赵蕃【宋】明经取青紫,此谚亦已鄙。 更多: 至或师初录,弃彼尝在此。注释 【原题】:以坡公君如大江日千里我如此水千山底为韵作小诗十四首重送在伯盖深有感于斯句云推荐工具 在线翻译 英汉词典 汉英词典 汉语词典 简繁互转 成语大全...
The interval of the split non-exciting elements 10a, 10b is connected electrically via a capacitance to obtain the effect of low coupling to obtain the printed dipole antenna suitable for wide beam scanning.NUMAZAKI TADASHI沼崎 正CHIBA ISAMU千葉 勇MANO SEIJI真野 清司HASHIMOTO TSUTOMU橋本 勉...
Simple daipo - ruantena and its production mannerPURPOSE:To facilitate the manufacture by cutting a slit between parallel core conductors of a flat square ribbon electric wire, cutting off said electric wire, using the core conductor of slit part branched into two as an antenna element and ...
Print conversion daipo - ruantenaPURPOSE:To suppress the level reduction at a wide angle by providing a metallic piece to the rear face of a split gap of a split non-exciting element and connecting two split non-exciting elements electrically through a capacitance formed depending on the ...
A power feeding circuit provided to the dielectric base board 2 is connected to a coaxial contact plug provided to the rear side of the reflecting plate 1.;COPYRIGHT: (C)1998,JPO佐藤 敏雄中野 雅之松岡 徹新井 宏之
Reflector attaching daipo - ruantenaPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To realize a dipole antenna with a reflecting plate that provides a stable characteristic over a wide frequency band and makes transmission and reception with a different frequency.松岡 徹...