Daimler Truck is driving the transformation of the transport industry towards CO2-neutral drive systems and is also relying on e-trucks in its own supply chain. Mercedes-Benz Trucks, with its four production sites in Gaggenau, Kassel, Mannheim and Wörth, is pursuing the ambitious goal of full...
Sven Ennerst, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG and Head of Product Engineering & Procurement and Daimler Trucks China, hands over the global engineering and procurement responsibility to Dr. Andreas Gorbach – previously CEO of the fuel cell joint venture...
DaimlerTruckFinancial Mercedes-BenzBank Einstiegspräsentation/GTAD/09.01.2015 4 DreiRichtungen,einZiel:Visionenwahrwerdenlassen.DietechnologischenBereichevonDaimler.EnergiefürdieZukunft»EffizienteFahrzeuge»mitHochwertigeundeffizientenAntriebenmitalternativeoderohneHybrid-OptionKraftstoffe»Brennstoffzellen...