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David Deutsch on Bayesianism, from Asindu Drileba January 25, 2024 | Leave a Comment People have said that the reason fundamental physics has slowed down is that we have picked all the lower-hanging fruit, but that's not true. There is more lower-hanging fruit than ever before, it's ju...
Thomas Kuhn, John Bell, and David Deutsch clearly fall on the boundary I think. A weird case is Feynman who (imho) had a real talent for identifying and addressing what we would call philosophical questions. But he was absolutely scathing about philosophy and certainly did not see himself as...
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” But that is to get things backwards. Weatherson seems to be taking as a quite reasonable starting point the observation that disciplinary boundaries are fuzzy and porous, and asking how that applies to the history of analytic philosophy. It’s a question answers to which might yield a ...
A direct station-grid comparison and cross-validation yield low errors for the temperature grids over most of the domain and greater deviations in more complex terrain. The interpolation of relative humidity is more uncertain due to its inherent spatial inhomogeneity and indirect derivation using dew ...
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The normal score ccdf then is back-transformed to yield the ccdf of the original variable. Stochastic simulation (SGI, Deutsch and Journel, 1998; Ahrens and Beck, 2008) has been used to assess local un- certainty from the local distribution of simulated values; that is the ccdf at u is ...
The continuous monitoring and the data analysis yield useful results for the quality and quantity of the hydrologic regime of Nestos after the dams' construction, as well as for the trends detected of the quality parameters (ECw, RP and DO) and the water level, using the nonparametric ...