Studies have attempted to monitor the impact of automation on wages on aggregate or to correlate employment to levels of robotization. But few in-depth investigations have been made into what happens to each worker after their companies roll out automation initiatives. Earlier this year, though, a...
for keeping track of workers’ wages, for specifying the right amount of ingredients when making bread or beer. Nobody used math to investigate the nature of physical reality.
In India, the average factory worker gets paid less than USD 2 per hour. This cost advantage has been crucial in attracting foreign investment and boosting exports. However, a UBI could lead to upward pressure on wages, potentially reducing this competitive edge.What...
Preparations for upcoming inter-Korean and North Korea-US summits are bringing a swirl of dialogue around the Korean Peninsula. A summit between Seoul and Washington is being talked about as a stepping stone toward the inter-Korean summit in April and North Korea-US summit in May, while other ...