Daily Word Learning: Kickstart your day with a new word! Our app offers a "Word of the Day" feature that introduces you to a new English word every day, along with its Hindi translation and pronunciation. Learn the meaning, usage, and context of each word to enrich your language skills...
Download Daily use English words and sentences in Hindi latest version for Android free. Daily use English words and sentences in Hindi latest update: June 6, 2024
So the literal meaning of the wordnest, running back five thousand years or more is “the place where the bird sits down.” The strongest connections between Indo-European and Modern English for this word seem to be via Old English and Germanic so it’s thought that this word was already ...
Sophie’s (Judy Greer,HALLOWEEN) life takes a sudden hard turn when either fate or a terrible chance of circumstance sees her husband Mal (Edi Gathegi,THE HARDER THEY FALL) killed in a drunk-driving accident. Left to parent her grief-torn teenaged daughter (Faithe Herman,SHAZAM!) on her ...
Indian classical dance embodies a deep understanding of the beauty of Indians and their sincerity for the stage. In the process of learning, I needed to understand not only the meaning of every movement, but also the...
Whenever I venture into writing in English, I tend to use Latinate words. Considering that (and this “that” is really hard for ‘us’ to drop) I’m Brazilian, I think it is pretty fair, although text and speech almost never sound, how could I put it?, natural. ...
way. Do not let your anger overpower you, and you will be able to enjoy the rest of the day, say Astroyogi astrologers. The color brown is your lucky color for the day. The time between 9:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. can be used to plan significant tasks to attain optimal results....
Before Google Translate and online dictionaries, we had to browse through a massive dictionary to find the meaning or translation for a single word. Nowadays, physical dictionaries have become obscure. That has made learning languages way easier. But with all these resources at our fingertips, it...
Being able to tell time is an important part of learning a new language. It helps you both when conversing with others as well as when planning events, meetings, or other activities. On top of this, it also gives you a great opportunity to use your prior knowledge of numbers and simple...
The Hindi wordjoothan, explains Mukherjee, ‘literally means food left on an eater’s plate, usually destined for the garbage pail in a middle class, urban home. However, such food would only be characterized ‘joothan’ if someone else besides the original eater were to eat it. The word...