central limit theorem: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/mbakker7/exploratory_computing_with_python/blob/master/notebook_s3/py_exp_comp_s3_sol.ipynb hypothesis testing and p value: http://vietsciences.free.fr/khaocuu/nguyenvantuan/bieudoR/ch7-kiemdinhgiathiet.htm Metrics: http://users.dsic...
Code to run a fully automated youtube that can scrape content, edit a compilation, and upload to youtube daily. Read about it here: https://medium.com/@nathan_149/making-a-fully-automated-youtube-channel-20f2fa57e469 Instructions Download the Github Repository Download and install Python3...
If you are using other email sending add-ons with your Google account, the email quota consumed by them will affect your quota in mail merge. If you are using an email alias to send merges on behalf of another user, it will still count towards your own email limit. If you have just ...
Tasks in Asana have multiple levels of customization: you can use custom fields to create as many parameters for your tasks as necessary. Tasks also serve as hub communications where team members can comment, upload files, and use rich-text commands. ...
Quick Ways I Use AI to Get Cited in AI Platforms: Perplexity: “List specific ways to get mentioned in Perplexity or SearchGPT answers.” Perplexity: “List specific ways to get my brand mentioned on YouTube, Reddit, blogs, etc.”
"Intro" box for new diaries has a three paragraph limit. If you exceed that limit, use the "Extended Body" box for the remainder of your diary. Diaries should be substantive. A good guideline is that if you don't have at least three solid paragraphs to write about your subject, you...
The preview version has a 30 message per week limit, allowing only about 4 messages per day before rate limiting. While exciting, OpenAI-1's advanced reasoning abilities also raise safety considerations that will need to be carefully addressed as this new AI paradigm emerges. Counterpoint: While...
If you buy Chromecast before the end of the year, you are eligible for three free months of Netflix. Woohoo! 2. Viki: Heard of Viki, the international free video site? If not, check it out. Based in Singapore, the company crowdsources...
Each weekday Indie Week will provide you with the headlines you need to know to keep you up to date on events taking place in the worlds of music, entertainment, tech and health & wellness, tour news, the latest gadgets, artist interviews and much more. Check in daily to find out what...