If you’re intensely and exclusively focused on what’s wrong, you’re very likely to get more of it. Fortunately, you can change the direction of your focus in an instant. When you find yourself low on positive energy, consider what thoughts have been filling your awareness. Firmly push ...
“Faye Nemer, CEO and Founder of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) American Chamber of Commerce in Dearborn, Michigan, called the video ‘offensive and counterproductive to peace talks’ in a statement to NPR,” the outlet reported.“Nemer, who says she voted for Trump in November, i...
WHATELY — Residents with thoughts on where they would like to see pollinator-centered landscape projects are encouraged to join town officials for a community forum on Thursday. AP sues 3 White House officials, citing freedom of speech over Gulf of Mexico 02-21-2025 7:54 PM By DAVID BAUDER...
I hope you enjoyed my post about the Chess Club yesterday. Not only did I want to spread the word about a place unexplored by many Downtowners, but I also wanted to remind everyone that I do know how to write professional-style copy. You can hire me to write for you; hit me up ...
Hey, fella. Yes, sir. Welcome to the show. First time we start with the fact of the day our brains produce as many as 50,000 thoughts per day according to the National Science Foundation. That would be about 40 a minute. I don't know if mine does ...
For now, all we can do is support the king and princess, keep them in our thoughts and prayers, and express to them our unwavering confidence that they’ll successfully lick this cruel disease. --Bill Lucey WPLucey@gmail.com March 24, 2024 *** Examples of Photo Manipulation in the News...
So this week, can you commit to at least one time asking for what you want, at home, at work, from a friend, or from a family member? Tuesday, January 17: How do you thank people? How do you express gratitude to the people you’re thankful to? Someone in an Inc...
Day:Friday is considered as a lucky day for Taureans. Grand success can be expected on Wednesdays. Saturday may delay the results but do not deny for the same. Ultimately, they may lead to success on Saturdays. Tuesday is considered as a day for expense. Thursday denotes gains through part...
We witness practical workshopping, where a client rehearses for a meeting or event from start to finish. The coach serves as a theatre director, adjusting each word’s delivery and every physical movement, including micro-expressions. Bring in the horse therapy, personal soul cycle session, zoom...
No one spoke about this waiting place. This place where you just wait for scars to fade, and swelling to subside. Where you wait until you don’t feel like you are looking at a stranger in the mirror. This place where you wait to feel comfortable in your own skin, in any clothes, ...