Membership includes exclusive daily email meditations (now ad-free!), a hardcover book of the best Stoic wisdom, a private learning community, acccess to exclusive content, and members-only discounts in The Daily Stoic store. New members will receive an exclusive gift set, and all Daily Stoic ...
About five years ago, Caleb Ontiveros, a former philosophy graduate student who went into software engineering, wrote aguest postfor Daily Nous about apps as a form of public philosophy and an app he developed,Stoa, with which people can do Stoic exercises, read Stoic philosophers, meditate, an...
Inflation in the UK: Cash withdrawals indicate faith in pound but not in economy Throughout post-industrial history, when economic woes are abound, a
strong, stoic, and resilient. Like NYC, Madrid’s nightly applause from windows and balconies in support of frontline workers felt like a single moment in the day to live in the hope of survival as a human race.
How did this idea/collaboration come together? We met a decade ago in London, when we were both working as editors at the video storytelling platform NOWNESS. We reconnected at the beginning of the pandemic, as we both suddenly found ourselves at home full time, each with two young children...
CANCHAS is a beautiful platform for leading ladyAnuska Martínez. She is equal parts vulnerable, strong, stoic, and resilient. Like NYC, Madrid’s nightly applause from windows and balconies in support of frontline workers felt like a single moment in the day to live in the hope of survival...
Behavioural Finance is a website with a long list of plausible explanations for the Permabears maintaining their stoic silence now, but mounting the rooftops the moment their original framework appears on the markets' horizons. Some of the ones that caught my attention immediately were: Cognitive ...
who played an unplugged bass and sang into an unplugged microphone. Don meanwhile stood behind a stage curtain with live microphone and bass in hand. His stoic personality and unaltered state of mind allowed the band to follow his lead as we sailed into one of our more liquid and undoubtedly...