Daily Scrum译为每日站会,是一项每日以15-20分钟为总时常,分享每日团队成员工作进度与计划的团队建设活动。 这种会议通常是限定时间的,长度大概在五至十五分钟并且保持站立以提醒与会人员控制会议的时间专注在会议的主题上。 大部分人员把这种会议称作站会,尽管有些时候它也被称作“晨会”或者“日会”。 二Daily Scr...
The Daily scrum is a short, 15-minute discussion to address development issues and build an actionable plan for the day. The Scrum master’s role is not to tell developers how they should plan their work, or address development-related problems. The Scrum master m...
Only a few of the Scrum teams that I’ve been part of have structured their Daily Scrum process in the way that I describe. I have found that these teams tend to have shorter Daily Scrum meetings, that team members are more likely to unblock each other promptly, and that their sprints ...
The Daily Scrum is a great opportunity topromote collaboration. All Developers have awareness to the overall progress, what people are working on, and what impediments are slowing progress. Since everyone is on the same page and focused on their shared accountability, there is ample opportunity for...
The Daily Standup/Scrum is not for the Scrum MasterAnand Vishwanath
(why the scrum daily standup is timeboxed 15 mins) 每日Scrum的时间限制为15分钟,因此要确保每个人都将更新集中在重点上。 说起来容易做起来难。一旦你和你的团队开始每天举行一次每日站立,你会发现有些人在团队中的其他人面前谈论他们的工作真的很不舒服,而其他人似乎无法停止交谈,如果你允许的话,他们会占用...
The daily Scrum and colocated teams Many people complain that there aretoo many meetings in Scrum. The daily Scrum is typically the target when such complaints arise. Scrum practitioners should remember that the daily Scrum does not need to be an heavily form...
LCG leverages multiple Large Language Model (LLM) agents to emulate various software process models, namely LCGWaterfall, LCGTDD, and LCGScrum. Each model assigns LLM agents specific roles such as requirement engineer, architect, developer, tester, and scrum master, mirroring typical development ...
Daily Scrum meetings should always conduct at the start of the day. It is the first meeting that happens in the day, and it's essential to keep it this way only. The work that needs to finish in the day gets planned in this meeting. As such, it's quite apparent if this meeting la...
The daily scrum meeting feels fresh, especially if you’re used to the traditional meeting with the long agenda and the never-ending babble around the table as your coffee gets cold and the clock hands move glacially over the dial. But doing anything repeatedly is going to get stale. ...