"Daily Prayers" Do you have an immediate need to have Holy God to intervene into your lives? (Podcast Episode 2022) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
"Your Daily Prayer" A Prayer for Recognizing God's Answers to Our Prayers (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Lord, let my prayers to you be worthy. Let me seek to spread news of your love, to help others who bear burdens. Let my feelings come and go, unheeded. (Letter #1,894) brlettersLettersMarch 18, 2020 Tuesday, March 17, 2020 What shall I pass along today? Let it be the courage br...
God then separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” Thus evening came, and morning followed–the first day. Then God said, “Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other...
Daily Prayers Volume 19 Issue 20 May 15th, 2011 Prayer for the Nation Lutheran Service Book Almighty God, You have given us this good land as our heritage. Grant that we remember Your generosity and constantly do Your will. Bless our land with honest industry, truthful education, and an hon...
to reach the Lord. If the motive of our prayer is to have fellowship with God, then He will answer. God hears and sees our prayers. There are many times where we have nothing to pray in front of God, but our attitude and mindwill deliver our prayerto God. God counts every prayer ...
Daily Prayers D.Penz Daily prayers I've been asking God For that guidance Clearest answers always Seem to come in silence Ironic how i came gifted With my words Rap it well Packaged up Then I share it in a verse All my thoughts I'm revealing Most times look For deeper meaning At times...
Romans 8:27 :“Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” Today’s Meditation:God is the one who searches our hearts and listens to our prayers.We need to pray according to God’s...
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Amen Eternal Lord God you hold all should in life: Give your whole church in paradise and on earth your light and your peace ...
Give thanks to God with powerful daily prayers and scriptures of thanksgiving Let us praise the Lord for His steadfast love endures forever. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:...