The serenity prayer is recited inAlcoholics Anonymous (AA)meetings. But, you don’t have to be analcoholicto for this prayer to be applicable to you and your divorce. Here is a prayer for divorce/ the serenity prayer; a prayer I think people going through a divorce might want to say d...
Special Report (new):the darkest, deepest 'UFO' secret in government Mass Readings Click here to make announcement or ad] Lenten Enrollment: 40 Days Of Masses And Prayers 206 Tours Catholic Pilgrimages Year-Round To Holy Land, Medjugorje, Fatima, Lourdes, Italy, Camino, Poland, Greece, Irelan...
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Humans have been searching for the keys to immortality for centuries without success. It remains a human obsession to remain on the mortal coil for as long as possible. Few of us will pass a century but we can still live a good and long life if we make the right choices. Health and w...
ADD TO YOUR DAILY PRACTICE: The steps and meetings are essential. Meditation and prayer really works. The AA Big Book, Daily Reflections and tons of other literature you've got a ton of tools in your Alcoholics Anonymous tool box. Add this one and use it every morning and you'll see a...
Christians praying for me, I probably would have never recovered from that terrible season in my life. Today, i’m very thankful for all those who did try and reach out to me, and for those who whispered a silent prayer for me. Let’s be some of those people for your neighbor aman!
Engaging to conformto the Church’s pattern of worship means, for me, praying “by the book” using the daily offices of Morning and Evening Prayer. Though the public offering of the Daily Office has not been required of clergy in the American Episcopal Church as it was in England, it’...
Prayer is spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him. Prayer to God is like a child's conversation with his father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things he needs. —Billy ...
Prayer for the Day:Higher Power, You are truth. I pray that I may not turn away from truth. I will not lie. My life depends on honesty. Action For the Day:For twenty or thirty minutes, I will think about how learning to be honest has changed my life. ...
By his own admission, Porter is gung-ho with his endeavors. As such, when tasked with sobriety, he attended Alcoholics Anonymous willingly. Porter still recites the Serenity Prayer on occasion, but otherwise gained little from meetings. He had trouble relating to the dire circumstances that broug...