But today, for the first time, I woke up to find a terrified baby mouse in the trap on a day when it is freezing (and snowing) outside. I do not want to care for a pet mouse; I have enough to worry about already. I do not want to put the little thing in a position where ...
Michael Vega, Globe Staff
However, there’s one thing that Ihavedone that has made up for all of the other deficiencies in my work ethic: Writing. Years ago, I shared a video talking about how“writing more” was the closest thing I have to a magic bulletin business. ...
"The joy is in the work" indeed. Ann's talented mentees have gone on to truly pass on the work ethic, wisdom and knowledge of one of Broadway's fiercest leading ladies and will continue to do so for decades to come. More Articles ...
Jesus’ point may have been one or more of the following: the strenuousness of evangelism, the work ethic that it required, persistence and dedication to the task (often in spite of minimal results), the infinite value of the new “catch” (viz., people), and perhaps an eschatological ...
Everything brought a smile to her; the greasy prep surfaces, the big fridge with its broken handle, the broken light fixture above the sink, sticky floors, even the cook who ignored her when she said hello. She was maternally positive, and I liked her. ...
“30. If someone tells you it can’t be done smile & graciously agree then go work twice as hard to prove them wrong twice as fast.” Inspirational funny quoteswith pictures always give usPositive thinkingeyes drops with a laugh. So we collected the most adorable Top 370+life funny quotes...
“The turnovers really killed us,”Locke said.“We were in position to win the game or at least within striking distance for the entire 60 minutes, right until the very end.” This was the type of challenge Locke wanted when he decided to come...
"Just as in blackjack trading larger for higher probability trades & smaller for lower ones could shift negative edge to positive" "Be wary of trumpeting your predictions about mkt b/c it will make you more reluctant to change your view if mkt facts change." "Good traders liquidate their po...
While “Julia” doesn’t shy away from issues you expect for a series set in this period (i.e. egregious workplace sexism), I was intrigued when they also made room to explore more complex ideas about what Julia Child’s success means within the feminist agenda. Despite her own accomplish...