I don’t care how many vampire films we’ve seen, I’m a Child of the Night, anAnne Rice,Stephen Kinglover. And yes, evenTwilight, baby. Vampires will get me through the door every single time.Empire Vlooks slick as hell, and I’m all for satire. Especially when it involves Russia...
BESTSELLERS by Ava Gray I'm a single mother with everything to lose. My daughter is my whole world. I'd do anything to protect her. But him? Ivan Valkov. The Bratva's most lethal enforcer. Dangerous. Commanding. Irresistibly mature. He kidnapped me to get to my father. When he disc...
On Monday the surgeon dug in, literally to the bone and extracted two inches of muscle along with this tumor beast.The hope is that once this very ugly painful time passes, that maybe the tumor pain, and the chronic sciatica, and all the other ugly after effects of this beast will go ...
I climbed out of the pool, walked to the diving board, and jumped again—the Eagle. I hit my head on the bottom of the pool. The pool’s water had been lowered by the quake’s sloshing effect. I was hauled out of the pool and revived by my sister. I had the pool filled in by...
Adam Kisswears almost every hat in the production of his filmMY LAST WORDS. Noah is quite eccentric. He is profoundly intelligent, a hopeless romantic, and freely shares every feeling that passes his mind. Following the ending of a relationship and a failed suicide attempt, he needs a refuge...
WhileBen BladonandMackenzie Firgens(Give Me An A) do a fantastic job of putting the viewer on edge,Grant Feelyowns every second of screen time. Feely is a star, delivering pure terror and the end of innocence. All I can say is I hope this is the opening of a feature-length version ...
2018-04-02 - Free Season Passes 2017-05-08 - Mother's Face 2017-01-21 - No Hills, No Snow - No Problem 2016-08-31 - Stirring Time 2016-03-29 - Life Cycle 2015-11-29 - The Bills 2015-07-21 - Sharing: Optional - A Hay(na)ku 2015-06-30 - sudden storm 2014-03-31 - Proc...
When the Pastor preaches only on the Armageddon and passes the plate while at the pulpit there is only one thing that happens eventually - the Parish dwindles and the plate stops getting filled. The Dollar will bend as has, but won't break or at least I ain't bettin' on such. Ala ...
"I think, friend," the barman said, "you had better go to City Hall as soon as the heat passes." I raised an eyebrow. "I think that is not a suggestion." "I could go now?" The barman slapped a bronze dagger on the counter. "I wouldn't want you to lose your way." I ...
Now it is harder to avoid excuses. When one internet heroine or villain passes from sight, there are ten thousand others to take their place. Facebook, YouTube, WordPress, OkCupid, Match.Com, Christian Singles, Pinterest, Blogster—ad infinitum. There is so much to fill our lives and furn...