Overall economic trends can also impact your interest rate. For example, when inflation is high, interest rates tend to increase. Other factors that impact interest rates include housing conditions, the bond market and federal reserve monetary policy. How to Get the Best VA Mortgage Rate The mor...
The probability trends of other variables will not be described here because of the limitation of space. In addition, if the high risk probability in the graph is raised to a highest position and no longer changes dramatically, the corresponding feature value here can be regarded as the warning...
My statement was prompted by not being able to recall a real scenario of sustained profit growth and sales decline resulting in a good outcome having looked at hundreds of income statements, but I've never made a study out of it nor have I looked at multi-year trends. When customers are...
The following is an update of our usual, no spin data fromhttp://www.condosaletrends.comwhich we hope will help you in your investment decisions. As always, if you lie to yourself about things concerning money, you lose. We recently updated our Panama City Beach condo sales data through ...
Over at Business Insider, they carried this graph. It looks pretty scary. I don't think it's possible to sustain current prices in the face of declining inflows, but maybe I'm misinterpreting it. Larry Williams writes: Look at the chart! This has happened many times before where the ...