Read the full-text online article and more details about "Miriam's Casebook; Daily Mirror Agony Aunt, Dr Miriam Stoppard, Says. George & Tom Have Mistaken This Club for a Business Venture. They Have No Heart & Soul and Liverpool Is All Heart & Soul LIVER
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FANPOWERW WINS THE DAY; BRIAN READE - Lifelong Reds Fan, Former ECHO Writer and Now a Daily Mirror Journalist - Has Documented the Ill-Fated Years When Tom Hicks and George Gillett Owned Liverpool FC. in the Second of Two Extracts, He Recalls How People Power Drove the Americans out ...
NICE CLUB WE'LL TAKE IT; How Hicks and Gillett Brought Anfield to Its Knees Daily Mirror Journalist BRIAN READE - a Lifelong Reds Fan and Former ECHO Writer - Has Documented the Ill-Fated Years When Tom Hicks and George Gillett Owned Liverpool FC. in the First of Two Extracts, He ...