当地时间6月13日,美国总统女儿 Ivanka Trump(伊万卡.特朗普)在华盛顿出街前往办公室,两岁的儿子 Theodore 跟着送妈妈离开,小家伙十分呆萌可爱!图8和9为6月12日伊万卡乘坐地铁的照片。P.S. 连身裙的牌子已经...
当地时间6月15日,美国总统女儿 Ivanka Trump(伊万卡·特朗普)打扮精致,离开华盛顿D.C.的家前往白宫参加会议,美国说不定将来还真能出个女总统~ #欧美明星每日街拍#
Áine Cain
256Ivanka trump 257Microsoft is pulling the plug on it’s oldest IE 258UK queen celebrated her birthday and 70 years on the throne 259Shares in Netflix have slumped greatly 260Justin Bieber is suffering from facial paralysis 261Job losses in Netflix ...
Ivanka Trump to head WB? 伊万卡成世行行长人选? The US President Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, who works as a White House adviser, is one of the names being considered as a replacement for the World Bank's outgoing president, Jim Yong Kim, the Financial Times reported Friday. ...
World Bank president Jim Yong Kim announced the donation from both oil-rich Gulf states on Sunday, during a meeting between Ivanka Trump and a group of Saudi women, a member of the US delegation said. The idea of a fund providing microfinance to women in underdeveloped countries was floate...
Ivanka Trump, one of the president’s closest advisers, will speak Saturday at Mahoning County Career and Technical Center in Canfield.
Ivanka Trump's fashion company wants to slap her name on bras, panties and other forms of underwear ... even though Ivanka herself won't be in on the deal. Ivanka Trump Marks LLC just filed legal docs to expand its product line to almost anything someone could wear under a shirt or sk...
当地时间2月21日,美国前总统川普的女儿 伊万卡·川普 Ivanka Trump 和老公甜蜜现身迈阿密海边。 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转 aû收藏 19 83 ñ406 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
Jared Kushner Hints at His Family’s Plans If Trump WinsTHE SKINNY Ivanka Trump and her family has been notably absent this campaign season. They say they’re likely to lay low if Donald Trump returns to the White House. Josh Fiallo | Published Oct 29, 2024 Ivanka Trump Takes Daughter ...