Examining the Portrayal of Imran Khan following the No Confidence Motion in Daily Dawn and Daily Jang Newspapers from Agenda Setting Perspectivedoi:10.35484/pssr.2024(8-II)57QuratulainSafdar, AasimaTahir, RabiaPakistan Social Sciences Review
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ISLAMABAD: Prime MinisterImran Khanwill hold meetings with members of the Punjab Assembly during his day-long visit to Lahore, the PM Office said Tuesday. The prime minister will also address the workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in theprovincial capital. After the dissolution of the National ...
ISLAMABAD: Parliamentarians on Saturday called onPrime Minister (PM) Imran Khanand apprised him about problems being faced by the public of their respective constituencies. Those who met PM Imran Khan were Sahibzada Muhammad Mehmood Sultan, Haider Ali Khan. Sardar Asif, Mian Shafiq, Malik Umar ...
DEEP learningMETROPOLISTEMPERATUREMACHINE learningTheoretical and Applied Climatology - Availability of increasing information and digital meteorological data leads to an opportunity for better simulations/prediction of complex hydroclimatic...doi:10.1007/s00704-022-04103-7Khan, Mohd Imran...
Time-segmented regression analysisEnergy efficiencyDemand-side managementIn many countries the residential sector contributes significantly to peak demand. Some of the promising approaches to reduce these peaks, such as energy efficiency and demand-side management (DSM) programmes, currently lack the ...
Ali, Mujahidde Azevedo, Afonso R. G.Marvila, Markssuel T.Khan, Muhammad ImranMemon, Abdul MuhaiminMasood, FaisalAlmahbashi, Najib Mohammed YahyaShad, Muhammad KashifKhan, Mudassir AliFediuk, RomanMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing InstituteSustainability...
The Influence of COVID-19-Induced Daily Activities on Health Parameters鈥擜 Case Study in MalaysiaAli, Mujahidde Azevedo, Afonso R. G.Marvila, Markssuel T.Khan, Muhammad ImranMemon, Abdul MuhaiminMasood, FaisalAlmahbashi, Najib Mohammed Yahya...
Pakistan elections: how Nawaz Sharif beat Imran Khan and what happens nextNawaz Sharif forgives them allImran KhanherePakistan