They are trying to "save the children" from tobacco and guns - what they want to do is communist indocrtination.-Adele Pauley Editor: Re Clinton investigations. I think these court proceedings should be made public. It is ridiculous how the White House stonewalls Ken Starr's investigation....
She has several hit records, she has performed all over the world and her net worth is around $150 million. Alamy Stock Photo One of the biggest voices in music today, singer Adele recently decided to make this 6,000+ square foot space her home. Her home sits on a gigantic 17,000-...
Happy birthday Friday, April 3rd to Dante LoPresti & David Pelosi and on Saturday, April 4th to my baby girl Zoe Dodd and to Natalie Baldassare, Mike Geblein & Adele Cole. On Sunday, April 5th wish happy birthday to Daniel Tagiareni. Happy birthday on Monday, April 6th to Sherri Garner...