The scratch lotto for example publishes the odds of their games in ny, I imagine one could find similar publications with slot odds. Next I wonder how stop losses could be tied in. Would it be best to use a set number of losses to move to the next machine. When playing with house ...
"Thank you again for the call yesterday Oz Lotteries! It’s unbelievable, I’m so excited and I really do appreciate it big time." $10,000 – January giveaway "I can’t believe I won $10,000... I've never won anything in my life... I'm going to share this with my sister ...
Also, if you prefer, you can pay in scratch-off lotto tickets. Mr. Rammer: What? Are you crazy? This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of! You big bastard. You want to know why I called you a big bastard? Because you are a big bastard, you big bastard! Hannaford...
Dean Hellbrighter came by my office yesterday and told me she wanted one of my fabled tongue lashings. Of course, I complied. Afterwards, she told my discourse was like a wet noodle looking through the keyhole of a door I will never open. Her insult was edifying. I’m planning on quot...
It had two cup holders—one on each side—a headrest, and a tray for snacks and my laptop. There was a pocket on the side where I keep my lotto tickets, cigarettes, cocaine, and newspapers. The big newspaper headline this morning was “Trump Can’t Stop Saying “Mallard Duck.” ...
It had two cup holders—one on each side—a headrest, and a tray for snacks and my laptop. There was a pocket on the side where I keep my lotto tickets, cigarettes, cocaine, and newspapers. The big newspaper headline this morning was “Trump Can’t Stop Saying “Mallard Duck.” ...
I’m so proud of you. I feel like a million dollars, like I won the LOTTO, or the Indy 500, or I found a wallet on the sidewalk loaded with cash, or I got a hole in one, or I got a ringer in horse shoes, or I shot you in the head with this pistol. ...
Dicing for Dollars? Global Lotto? What’s the motto? “We bet your life”? Post your own pysma on the “Comments” page! Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” ( Share this: Daily Trope Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to print (...
It had two cup holders—one on each side—a headrest, and a tray for snacks and my laptop. There was a pocket on the side where I keep my lotto tickets, cigarettes, cocaine, and newspapers. The big newspaper headline this morning was “Trump Can’t Stop Saying “Mallard Duck.” ...
It had two cup holders—one on each side—a headrest, and a tray for snacks and my laptop. There was a pocket on the side where I keep my lotto tickets, cigarettes, cocaine, and newspapers. The big newspaper headline this morning was “Trump Can’t Stop Saying “Mallard Duck.” ...