When a cartel gunman is killed, he leaves behind Sujo, his beloved 4-year-old son. The shadow of violence surrounds Sujo during each stage of his life in the isolated Mexican countryside. As he grows into a man, Sujo finds that fulfilling his father’s destiny may be inescapable. A movi...
My favorite shorts collection of the year, this wildly eclectic and insanely talented group of female filmmakers aims to please, shock, and gag audiences. You never know what you’ll get with each passing year and I get giddy in anticipation. Fantasia 2024’s Born Of Woman lineup includes t...
They have touched the lives of millions of Iraqis. They've seen the progress. They've seen things happen. Schools are open. Universities are open. You look at right over here see what's going on in terms of entrepreneurial activities and people in the street selling things, buying things...
wondering if it’s gotten too late to do any writing. Around 4 or 5 I make myself a cup of tea, which I sip while reading poetry. After a while I either start to write or call it quits for the day. Usually I listen to some contemporary classical music while this is going on. I...
It was also great to hike through the forest because much of Uganda has been cleared from slash and burn agriculture, which has left much of the countryside naked. The other overwhelming highlight of Uganda is whitewater rafting down the Nile, just slightly below the source of Lake Victoria....
They have touched the lives of millions of Iraqis. They've seen the progress. They've seen things happen. Schools are open. Universities are open. You look at right over here see what's going on in terms of entrepreneurial activities and people in the street selling things, buying things...
They have touched the lives of millions of Iraqis. They've seen the progress. They've seen things happen. Schools are open. Universities are open. You look at right over here see what's going on in terms of entrepreneurial activities and people in the street selling things, buying things...
LauraGómezlives in her role as a waitress on her first day. Gómez’s intensity is transformative.AnnaDiazgives Estela the wide-eyed, tentative nature that represents the inner voice of the entire staff. Rooney Maraplays Julia with a fiery sass and life-weathered exhaustion.Raúl Brionesdelivers...