大家都知道itch.io上有许多不错的游戏雏形,虽然它们还不能被称作一个完整的游戏,甚至不太好玩,但是其中有些亮点很值得讨论和研究。这些作品有的来自制作者私下里的一时兴起,有的则出自各种game jam。如果不把这些有特点的作品拿出来提一下总觉得有些可惜。所以今天的我们就从itch上一些免费的音乐题材游戏入手,看看...
Catacosmesis (kat-a-kos-mees’-is): Ordering words from greatest to least in dignity, or in correct order of time. Heaven and earth! Spirit and matter! We are born, we live, we die. Some people live their entire lives enamored with heaven, their spirt or soul, and their death, put...
Listen to this: “Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.” I have a dream, or I thought, we had dream: to live a settled life with no speed bumps, potholes, or roadkills. If you’d rather live our lives in a mosh pit, let me know, but I need predicabilit...