The Presbyterian Church USA provides two helpful websites for devotional life. One gives the readings for the daily lectionary. This is a wonderful tool; you can use it pray and read through most of the Bible in a two year period. The second is a daily devotional where you can sign up ...
There is a daily reading like this one that I was thinking this was: It would be great if this was something that users could access for daily readings, if it’s not available. ...
The Daily Readings app offers an easy way to access the day's Scripture readings, saints, and fasting guidelines as prescribed by the Lectionary of the Greek Orthodox Church. Now there are even more features to enhance your experience:
· Complete Lectionary readings for every day of the church year, including Bible passages (NRSV translation) · Instant access to Bible readings, prayers and responses, collects and Canticles · Each day’s Lectionary on a single page · Browsing by date to future or past readings for any da...
Also included are the Revised Common Lectionary readings for Sundays and festivals, a two-year cycle of selections from the PC(USA) Book of Confessions, and an eight-week schedule for praying all 150 psalms. The app provides liturgies for Morning, Midday, Evening, and Night Prayer, selecting...
The Psalms, Gospels, and Holy Day readings follow an annual schedule beginning on December 24 of each year with the lessons from Christmas I and II of the Revised Common Lectionary and ending on December 23 of the following year. The schedule is as follows: ...
• That the entire Old Testament be read over each two-year period. • That certain readings of the Holy Scriptures occasionally be juxtaposed in order for them to throw light on one another. • That a certain respect be shown to the ancient lectionary traditions of the churches, accordi...
Alelluia. Pause here for breath while we talk about … The Invitatory Psalm The Office begins with a selection from the Psalter, which you looked up in the Daily Office Lectionary and marked with a bookmark. Before you say those Psalms, however, you say the Invitatory (or opening) Psa...
My more recent experience accepting the bishop’s call to serve as a priest (after nearly 21 years as a deacon) has also been an experience of grace. I’ve spent most of this year working with other people to discern the strengths that will serve me and the church well and to look ...
Reading from the Lectionary Does your pastor preach from the Lectionary? This short study helps you understand the readings. Heroes of the Faith Are you heroic? You might be surprised. The Bible considers faith to be one of the most heroic characteristics. ...