daily food diary 11.27.11November 27, 2011 by 7 Comments day 2 of trying to keep food diary again. no promises! i am also logging food on the weight watchers website. i like doing this. and if i find too much judgment here then i will do my diary only on the ww! today i ha...
"Daily Munch" is a personal food and feelings diary designed to support teens and young adults in their recovery from eating disorders. Developed by Caitlyn Cho…
You are here:Home/Archives for daily food diary Sorry, no content matched your criteria. Mom. Wife. Lawyer. Radio & TV Personality. Writer. Hustler & People Connector. Dieter. Exerciser. stay in touch with jenny please enter your email below ...
EatRight is built around theChooseMyPlateplans, the successor to the MyPyramid food pyramid guide. Not just a food diary Use the app to keep track of your fluid intake and the amount you exercise every day. Join thousands like you
"Daily Munch" is a personal food and feelings diary designed to support teens and young adults in their recovery from eating disorders. Developed by Caitlyn Cho…
食物日记 | daily food diary [05.03.21] cloudy [浮云]☕️ breakfast. 酒釀蛋花 and 包子🍚 lunch. fry noodles, cucumber and seaweed soup 🍽️ dinner. our favorites spicy vegetables from 紫燕百味鸡, and ...
The 3-d food diary method (3-d FD) or the 2-d duplicate plate (2-d DP) method have been used to measure dietary fluoride (F) intake by many studies. This study aimed to compare daily dietary F intake (DDFI) estimated by the 3-d FD and 2-d DP methods at group and individual...
食物日记 | daily food diary [03.03.21] cloudy [浮云]☕️ breakfast. toast bread with butter and dulce de leche, and coffee with milk 🍚 lunch. i made chicken curry 🍪 snack. my favorite snack right no...
【My life,healthy food, daily and more//Diary】1.我们也许饮食习惯不同,但我会学着尊重。接納别人的同时更要自己,並學著喜一個人經歷一次忍讓,就會獲得一次人生的亮麗;經歷一次寬容,就會打開一道愛的大門。 你能夠放下自我,人我之間的關係就可以成就一個圓滿 ~