You can choose from Daily Derby, Powerball, Mega Millions, SuperLotto Plus, Fantasy 5, Daily 3, and Daily 4. No. Your name, the retailer's location, the game date, and your winning amount are maintained in public records. We suggest that you consult a lawyer before claiming any big priz...
the gray colt came from just off the pace to take out the GII Pat Day Mile Stakes on the Kentucky Derby undercard May 4 and backed up on two weeks' rest
If the folks are new to this, an explicit exercise might be in order. I’ve runsecret straw pollsala Ester Derby and discussed Norm Kerth’sRetrospective Prime Directivein pairs. You need to be aware of how much safety is in the room, how much power distance exists and adjust your appro...
•TX-Gov: Too bad newspapers can’t vote, because polls show Kay Bailey Hutchison losing the GOP gubernatorial primary to Rick Perry by a wide margin among actual humans. However, she swept the endorsement derby over the last few days among the state’s major papers: the Dallas Morning Ne...
Kentucky Derby. There were a lot of prophetic aspects to this race but the one that stands out is “Trojan Nation”. Trump would speak of the Trojan horse in the debates and many have long compared the influx of Muslim migrants to a Trojan horse. Interestingly, Trojan Nation began in the...
The 16mm cinematography is Chef’s Kiss, from the extreme handheld close-ups to the shaky handheld everything else. The editing by Whitney is a masterful fever dream of overlapping superimposed fades and soft-core imagery (many aquarium shots. A lot.) The amount of B-roll outnumbers the act...
Well across the pond on Sunday, in the United Kingdom, Manchester will be the site of one of those rivalries as Manchester United and Manchester City will meet in the Manchester Derby for the 195th time. Today Luis Miguel Echegaray, himself a former resident of the U.K., describes how ...
2012 was an amazing season at Derby Hill, with just over 50,000 raptors of 18 species being counted as migrants, both numbers above historical averages and the latter figure marking only the second time in 34 years of standardized counting that over 17 species have been recorded. Much of th...
The Three Legged Donkey In The DerbyAs criticism of the government’s “science – led†and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting â€...
Scratch one more team from the pursuit of Jonathan Lucroy. Sources say the Tigers are now out of that derby. — Jayson Stark (@jaysonst)July 29, 2016 Katie Strang's take:The fact that the Tigers are now out of the Jonathan Lucroy sweepstakes is not entirely surprising, since the team wa...