Bengio: Foundations and challenges in DL, from 9:01:14 data fest: 8,9,12,13 Sept: data science week: KDD 2016: ACL 2016, Berlin, 7-12 Aug:
220 is a high goal but maybe that’s common to dream big for us or I guess smaller haha. I want to cosplay Goku with my gains and other anime heroes. Anything fun you wanna do with yours? PostedOctober 2, 2023 BooksandTrees Welcome back. I hope you're doing well. I hear you...
I cut through the challenges of life like a sharpened blade Because I sharpen myself every day To overcome the challenges It seemed simple enough to me Take care of the main quests Maintain those benefits Then do the side quests for fun and extra benefits I got addicted to winning at life...
I cut through the challenges of life like a sharpened blade Because I sharpen myself every day To overcome the challenges It seemed simple enough to me Take care of the main quests Maintain those benefits Then do the side quests for fun and extra benefits I got addicted to winning at life...
I cut through the challenges of life like a sharpened blade Because I sharpen myself every day To overcome the challenges It seemed simple enough to me Take care of the main quests Maintain those benefits Then do the side quests for fun and extra benefits I got addicted to winning at life...